Monday, 24 March 2014

My first post!

is that a boring title? oh well. maybe I'm going to be a boring blogger...

about me:

40-something, a lover and a fighter,step-mother of 2 incredible 5-year olds - boy and a girl - met the man of my dreams and gained a family as part of the deal.

I'n starting to blog as a way to capture my random thoughts, track some posts of others that I like ( I can do that here, right?) and to keep track of my new passion in life - furniture repair and restoration.

Just a fancy term for painting old ugly furniture to make it look better. I'll be taking a course in May to learn how to do some basic repairs. Hoping to turn it into a parttime career eventually - if I can figure out how to get people to pay me for it. Any good advice given will be appreciated.

So that's me in a tiny nutshell. or at least the start of a reveal anyway :)

how does one signoff on a blog?  like a letter with a valediction? no? yes? I think I will

wishing you sunshine and fair winds... Lori

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